After a long winter, the summer finally arrived with hot days. Here are some precautions in order to cope with hot weather:

  • Don't go outside in hot days if not necessary

  • Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine or a lot of sugar. Start drinking fluids before going out into the heat.

  • Wear sun block, hats, sunglasses and light, loose-fitting especially cotton clothes.

  • Stay indoors as much as possible. If you should, try not to go out between 11:00 and 16:00.

  • Eat more frequently, however make sure meals are well balanced and light. Awouid from oily and especially fried food.

  • Drink plenty of fluids mostly water and mineral water, but avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine or a lot of sugar.

  • Fruits, vegetables, salads and yoğurt are the food especially suggested.

  • Smoke as little as possible

  • Take shower frequently.

Of course these tips are not going to cool the hot days, however will help you to manage with them!